Thursday, April 11, 2013

My Combat Focus Shooting Training experience - Pinetucky Gun Club, Augusta, GA

Rob Pincus and I after the 2 day Training Course

I had the opportunity to train with Rob Pincus and Combat Focus Shooting instructor Robert Moore.

As I reflect back on the 2 days of training there are many thoughts that come to mind.  First off the instructors were phenomenal in providing real world practical instruction for the defensive use of firearms.  It was not a "smoke and mirrors" feel good class, but instead it was a physical and mind challenging course that provided tremendous insight in how your body and mind respond to unexpected stressful situations.  Throughout the 2 days they built skill upon skill to help us use our bodies natural reactions to our best ability to defend ourselves and others in what they define as a "Dynamic Critical Incident". 

There were regular periods of debriefing allowing us to dig deeper in to the implications and rationale of the approach, tactics and skills being taught. For someone that has spent a lot of time behind a trigger in the competition arena, this was an eye opening experience to the world of personal defense through the eyes of experts that have dedicated their lives to truly understanding what really happens when you are ambushed.  The instructors included what responses and methods have failed and what have been effective and successful.  There was nothing that was presented or taught that was not supported with detailed scientific, medical and practical evidence to show it effectiveness which was further supported through the training on the range during the course.

In my opinon anyone that is serious about the idea of personal defense, especially if that involves the potential carrying and/or use of a firearm, needs to look at learning about the Combat Focus Shooting principles.  As I described above, it is not a feel good traditional shooting program.  It deals with the very serious reality of personal defense in a very direct and thorough manner.  Not only did they teach you the skills necessary for personal defense but they also spent a lot of time learning to apply those skills.  It will challenge much of the traditional thinking that many have been brought up to believe through TV, Movies or antiquated ideologies.

The value and eye opening experience for me was a reaility check, especially when you consider the rush to purchase firearms that has been driven by our current political environment,   This is further compounded by the perception that one can intellectually understand and develop the skills necessary to defend oneself without frequent and regular practice and without understanding how your body responds to the stress of an ambush and a "Dynamic Critical Incident".

I know I will be going back for more training in the near future once I have had a chance to practice all that was learned in the course.  You can get more information on the principles of Combat Focus Shooting at  There is also a lot of information as well as videos available at

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